Missing Titanic submarine: Five things


It’s another mystery of the deep as hopes fade for the five wealthy titanic tourists who vanished while exploring the wreck aboard a mini submarine.

One question keeps arising: what happened?

It’s possible that no one will ever know after the sub call titan suddenly went silent hundreds of miles off the coast of canada and around 13000 feet underwater beside the titanic on board was a british billionaire one of pakistan richest men and his son a feigned french explorer and the ceo of the company running the dive they began their voyage early sunday with 96 hours of oxygen inside the sub and have not been heard from since submarine experts agree that five possible accidents are the most likely cause.

Tangled on wreckage:

Perhaps the most obvious explanation is that the submersible became tangled in the wreckage of the titanic itself the ship split into two pieces as it sank back in 1912 and those sections now lie amidst a huge debris field on the seabed navigating the wreck is extremely dangerous according to those who have dived it. It is possible that the subs pilot got disoriented perhaps after communications were interrupted causing the craft to get snagged another explorer has described how a sudden undersea current swept his submarine into the wreck getting it temporarily stuck titan is equipped with drop weights which can be thrown overboard to give it extra buoyancy potentially freeing it and helping it float to the surface but if it is stuck fo example inside the titanic there could be little the crew would be able to do except wait for help a banging noise picked up on sonar could be the trapped crew knocking on the hull of the sub to attract attention but rescuers have still been unable to find the craft .

Power of equipment failure:

Titan could also have suffered a power outage or equipment failure. The sub relies on batteries to power the communications and a failure could explain why it lost contact with the surface but they also power the engines, the lights, and the heating. A catastrophic failure would have left the sub dead in the water in complete darkness and in freezing temperatures. If that is the case experts say the cold could kill quicker than the lack of oxygen questions have been raised over the quality of the sub after one passenger pulled out over fears the company building it were cut in corners. He discovered the scaffolding poles were being used as ballast and a video game controller was being used for steering after that he demanded his money back an ocean gate engineer also previously quit over safely concerns about the structural integrity of the sub and an industry body wrote a letter in 2018 criticizing the company’s experimental approach losing power would make the sub harder to find and there will still be matter of getting it back to the surface when its engines are not working they may still be able to surface but there is no sign of the vessel yet Alesiter Grieg a professor of marine engineering at the university of college London said rescue options will be extremely limited if the sub is without power.

Tangled on a Ghost fishing net:

Another possibility is that the sub has become tangled on a piece of debris like a fishing net thousands of so called ghosts nets are swept around the deep ocean after being lost by a trawler men back in 2005 a russian submersible called as-28 became tangled on just such a net while it was underwater off the kamchatka peninsula in Far eastern siberia the net got caught in its propellers and caused it to sink to the seabed with a british underwater drone brought in to cut the netting and free it all seven crew members made it safely to the surface two days later but they were stuck under just a few hundred feet of water compared to the titans 13000 to cut the craft free rescuers will first have to find ir and sonar is not good at distinguishing the sub from the wreckage of the titanic scattered around it and even if it can be cup free the titan will still have to make it back to the surface on its own because transferring the crew to another vessel at that depth is impossible.

Catastrophic Imploision:

After the submersible suddenly stopped communicating with no explanation a catastrophic implosion of the vessel has become a leading theory G Micheal Harris an experienced titanic explorer fears that is exactly what happened ten thousand feet down where the pressure is 350 times greater than at the surface. When a submarine’s hull fails at depth the pressure of the ocean will almost instantly crush it and anyone inside, even a small fault in the carbon fiber and titanium hull could have caused the accident and titans three previous voyages were canceled over fears of structural fatigue. Owners ocean gate said the vessel which features many homemade components such as hardware store washers had been repaired since and was equipped with a sophisticated system to monitor for any problems in the hull but if an issue had suddenly occurred deep underwater it is doubtful the crew could have done anything in time to save themselves just such an accident occurred in 2017 when the Argentinian Navy submarine ARA San Jaun went missing in the San George Gulf the wreck was only located a year later scattered deep down on the seabed. It is not known exactly what caused the accident but it is thought an electrical failure caused it to dive Beyond its crush depth causing an implosion  killing all 44 people on the board if that is what happened to the titan then the crew would have been killed instantly.


Another possibility is a fire on board perhaps caused by water getting into the electrics in 2019 a blaze broke out inside the battery compartment of the russian submarine lusharik while it was a thousand feet underwater fighting the fire in corridors as narrow as a few feet the crew managed to get losherig back to its parent submarine which hauled it to the surface 14 submariners some of the most experienced and highly decorated in the whole of the Russian Navy were killed if a similar blaze were to break out on a board. The Titan then result could easily be fatal even if the crew somehow got the flames under control the fire could knock out the electronics and eat up the oxygen inside the tiny 21-foot craft. There is still a lot we don’t know about the titan’s fate or the fates of the men on board if the craft can somehow get itself to the surface then there is hope that they can be saved but if it is really stuck at the bottom of the ocean then the chances of finding them alive are slim and fading fast.


 Titanic Submarine’s Mystery: Vanished in Depths

Title: The Mysterious Disappearance of the Titanic Submarine: Five Possible Explanations

Introduction (Approximately 75 words):

The disappearance of the Titanic submarine, along with its five occupants, has left investigators searching for answers. As hopes fade, experts speculate on the possible scenarios that could have led to this unfortunate incident. From being tangled in wreckage to equipment failures, getting caught in fishing nets, suffering a catastrophic implosion, or facing a fire onboard, each theory offers a glimpse into the potential causes. Let’s delve into these five possibilities to shed light on the mysterious fate of the Titanic submarine and its crew.

1. Tangled in Wreckage (Approximately 100 words):

One plausible explanation is that the submarine became entangled in the wreckage of the Titanic itself. Navigating the debris field surrounding the sunken ship is treacherous, and disorientation could have led the sub to get stuck. While the crew might have attempted to free the submarine using drop weights, if it became lodged deep inside the Titanic, their options for escape would be limited. The search for the submarine continues, with the hope of locating it through sonar detection or perhaps even detecting the crew’s attempts to attract attention by knocking on the hull.

2. Power Outage or Equipment Failure (Approximately 100 words):

A power outage or equipment failure is another possible explanation. If the sub’s batteries failed, it would have lost contact with the surface and its vital systems, including communication, propulsion, lighting, and heating. Operating in complete darkness, freezing temperatures, and without oxygen, the crew’s survival would be severely compromised. Concerns have been raised about the sub’s quality and structural integrity, highlighting potential safety issues that could have contributed to equipment failure. However, even if the sub is located, rescue efforts would be challenging without power to bring it to the surface.

3. Tangled on a Ghost Fishing Net (Approximately 100 words):

The submarine may have become ensnared in a fishing net or other debris, commonly known as ghost nets. Such entanglement has occurred in the past, posing risks to underwater vessels. The task of locating the sub and distinguishing it from the scattered wreckage of the Titanic would be complicated by sonar limitations. Moreover, freeing the submarine from the netting would require delicate maneuvering. Considering the depth of the submarine’s current location, transferring the crew to another vessel is nearly impossible, leaving the sub’s fate uncertain without a successful rescue operation.

4. Catastrophic Implosion (Approximately 100 words):

The possibility of a catastrophic implosion is a haunting theory. The extreme pressure at the depth where the submersible disappeared could have caused a failure in the hull, resulting in an instantaneous collapse. Concerns over the sub’s structural fatigue and previous cancellations of voyages raise questions about its durability. If a small fault existed in the hull, it could have led to a tragic accident. Similar incidents in the past, such as the ARA San Juan submarine disaster, highlight the devastating consequences of implosions at great depths.

5. Fire Onboard (Approximately 100 words):

The occurrence of a fire onboard the submarine cannot be ruled out. Water entering the electrical systems could trigger a blaze, posing significant dangers in the confined space of the sub. In such a scenario, the crew would face the challenges of fighting the fire, sustaining oxygen supply, and preventing critical system failures. The possibility of the fire spreading rapidly and compromising their chances of survival is a grave concern. If the submarine managed to reach the surface, rescue operations could be attempted; otherwise, the outlook for the crew’s survival diminishes with each passing moment.

Conclusion (Approximately 75 words):

The mystery surrounding the disappearance of the Titanic submarine and its five occupants deep beneath the

 ocean’s surface persists. While the exact fate of the crew may never be known, experts have put forth five compelling theories: entanglement in wreckage, power outage or equipment failure, entanglement in fishing nets, catastrophic implosion, or an onboard fire. Each possibility underscores the inherent risks and challenges of deep-sea exploration, reminding us of the vast and unforgiving nature of the ocean.

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